-Walking Light Photography-
In Beauty I walk
With Beauty before me I walk
With Beauty behind me I walk
With Beauty above me I walk
With Beauty all around me I walk
from the Navajo-Blessing Way Ceremony
-a work in progress...
-Dendrities, in the Nueral Network of the living Earth-

                 Forest Heart

Spirit of Elk Meadow
    Taos Canyon,New Mexico

                The Old One

              Upper Ranchitos Trees # 1

 Upper Ranchitos Trees #2

         Upper Ranchitos Trees # 3

First Snow and Aspens By the Pecos River

          The Witch's Tree            El Prado Nm.

            Parallel  Aspens      Â
              Taos Ski Valley

                              Last Light- Autumn Vines                  Missiquoi River,Vt.                     Â

    Ponderosa Roots,Mora,NM

Cottonwood Roots Along The Rio Pueblo         Taos,Nm.

   Ponderosa Roots "Taking Flight"Mora,NM

   Primordial Presence -Cottonwood Burl     Taos,Nm.

                 Root Entity-                        Mora, Nm.

   After The Flood-                   Pecos River Nm.

                   Cottonwood Burl-                        Pecos,Nm

      Ponderosa Roots-                     Â
           Tres Piedras,Nm.

               Overlook Tree-                                             Â
                 Taos Valley
All Images Copyright--(C)Mckenney 2025