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                     -November Light-

Early Winter evening along the Missiquoi River

Christmas Lights in Snow in Enosburg Park,in Enosburg Vermont

                                 After Christmas-Enosburg Park                                                           

The Village of Enosburg Falls elected to leave the Christmas Lights on at the park through January.It is a wonderful thing to see the color and festive spirit for no reason other than it is lovely and cheerful.



Frost on the window in the room where I practice meditation.No other room in the house has such formations.

Frost Lace Patterns on Window

                                            Frost Arabesque                                                                                

Frost on the window after a very cold night, in the room where I practice Qigong. Masaru Emoto,a Japanese researcher studied the effects of directed thought/energy on frozen water crystals.He found that they took shape according to what thoughts and energy they were exposed to.This looks to me like rhythm and organic flow- Are those vines and blossoms?

Downy Frost

Drifting "Down", frozen in time,for a moment until full Sun crests the hill


Morning light and frost mingle in twilight as daybreaks.

Morning Light-Frost Garden

After a cold night,an ice "garden" on my window,catching the first rays of sunlight-

Winter Field-Mandala

The corn is gone and the field is bare.Now the ice is making Mandalas-

Missiquoi River Ice in Berkshire Vermont

          Early thaw on the Missiquoi River                                                                 

After an unseasonably warm winter in Northern Vermont.The ice is leaving early-

                                         Incoming Weather                                                                                

The first week in April-heavy snow en route -Winter is returning...

                                Green Fields Return                                                                              

 The river,the seasons passing,and fields-turning green-

                    East Berkshire -Evening                                                                          
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                              "The Bridge of Flowers and Lights"-Enosburg Falls
                                                     Enosburg Falls-Old Mill Site                                                                      

Enosburg Falls,Below the Dam and Bridge

Old Mill Remnant-Enosburg Falls

The old mill burned down in 1915.Part of  the structure still remains,covered in ice and snow.

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Window Frost-"Tree of Life"

All Images Copyright (C) Mckenney 2025

Walking Light Photography


Fine Art Photography

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