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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lightning over Taos Mesa

Rio Grande Gorge Looking North  Black and White  8x10 Camera

Looking North along the Rio Grande Gorge.

Taken with an 8x10 Field Camera

     North along the Rio Grande Gorge 

Evening Thunderhead Rio Grande Gorge 8x10 Camera Image
Lightning over Taos Mesa

 Evening along the Rio Grande.To the east,a lone thunder storm drops rain over the Sangre De Christo Mountains.Taken with an 8x10  Field Camera,

Rio Grande Gorge,Sangre De Christo Mountains

Black and White Sunflowers Vermont

                             I went to take a mid-day walk, by the garden  Sunflowers stopped and held my attention
.                             for minutes,or was it hours?

                               Blooming Sunflowers,Vermont

Recycled Paper
Medium Format Color Sunflower Opening Bud

The Sunflowers opening Bud is for me,easily as interesting as a full bloom,and just as alive with energy.

           Sunflower Opening Bud,Vermont

January 2023 - June 2025

Job Title, Company

This is an item description in your CV. Concisely describe the project or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

January 2023 - June 2025

Job Title, Company

This is an item description in your CV. Concisely describe the project or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.


My Schooling

January 2023 - June 2025

Medium Format Color Breath and Dreams and Light

It was sunrise and twenty below-zero in Northern Vermont. First light had just touched the bedroom window.

This is frozen Breath and Dreams and Light...


      Morning Window Minus 20*,Northern Vermont

Winter sunset thru icey window

Sunset at twenty below zero.The ice is on the inside.It will be a cold night.

   Sunset Window -Minus 20*,Vermont

Balck and White 8x10 Camera Image Thistles before the Storm

The storm came up quickly.Thunder,lightning and the clouds closed in.This image was taken with the 8x10 field camera.There was just time to pack and run as the rain arrived.

                          Thistles, Before A Storm

Fine Black and White Thunderstorm over Mountains

It  rained all day.The sky was solid cloud cover.Even so,I had the impulse to hike out along the Rio Grande Gorge rim and set up the 8x10 camera.The rain stopped, and as I was checking focus under the cloth, clouds parted and revealed one grand Thunder Head hanging low, over the valley.

The sun had just set and for a brief moment,last light,lit the mountain and sky.

             Evening Thunder-Taos New Mexico

Black and White Western Sky Taos Mesa

This is a place I like to walk in the evening.Vast open space and no one around for miles.To the west are the remnants of ancient Volcanoes-"Two Peaks,Three Peaks",and in the far distance, San Antonito and Colorado.

       Mesa Trail,Western Sky-Taos New Mexico

Black and White Antique Hay Rake- metaphor- "Broken Wheels"

Broken Wheels                                                                       New Mexico

There are times when images are like fractals,where everything carries the information and likeness of the whole,more mirror than metaphor.This a vintage Cast Iron Hay Rake.It sat next to a very old Cottonwood Tree.Over time the trunk had split and half of the tree slowly fell on to the wheels.They did not snap as cast iron might but gradually bent under it's weight.Now it takes the form you see.Those wheels will never turn again.The machine no longer works.

This image was taken in 2016.At the time,I thought,that's it,"the wheels are broken" and this verse from W.B.Yeats's poem "The Second Coming",came to mind-

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart;the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction.while the worst                                                                                                                                                        

Are full of passionate intensity-


It is now 2023. The Goverments of the World,Wars and "rumors of Wars",the Pandemic (and response),Politics and most human systems,the climate,the Sun and the Earth are convulsing, truly, the "machines" wheels are broken and nothing will ever be the same...























Color Mandala"and yet it moves" Galilleo

...and yet it moves...

All Images Copyright-- (C)Mckenney 2025

Walking Light Photography


Fine Art Photography

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